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In the latest video on the Hambini YouTube Channel, a viewer sent in his Infocrank power meter crankset made by Verve cycling.

What ensued was a text book case of the customer knowing more than the manufacturer. Infocrank simply palmed me off to Praxis and did not want anything to do with it.

video here

Verve Cycling InfoCrank Garbage
Verve Cycling InfoCrank Garbage

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AbsoluteBlack hollowcage OSPW
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AbsoluteBLACK Hollowcage $700 OSPW leaves company reputation in tatters

AbsoluteBLACK (real name LUCID IP SLU registered in Andorra) were destroyed on social media after their claims about ceramic bearings, power savings and watts were questioned. They systematically curated both their own social media accounts and comments on other accounts. They removed large numbers of comments that questioned their aerodynamic and power claims